[horde] Users save their data : IMP & more

izzk at netcourrier.com izzk at netcourrier.com
Fri Oct 11 23:08:26 PDT 2002


I was very please to see the export/import adress book option in horde 2 release (and associated turba).
The fact the user itself is in charge of saving his data seems very important to me, as he is the one that knows what to cleen and what to save ...

My question is : there is no option in IMP for a user to download / upload a mailbox (or a part of it if for ex sent-mail is in mailbox), I think it cool be terific as in my website user are limited to one box, INBOX (but the can create some inside the INBOX), and to 25 Mo ... and I (webmaster) have no access to there mailbox to save it anyway (shared server)

I could not access the demo site on hub to check if it is yet under developement, it is bugging for the moment.

Thanks for your work anyway ;)


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