[horde] Missing Pear Log, yes the path is right :)

Kamran Kazempour kamkaz at kamran.homelinux.com
Fri Oct 18 11:45:38 PDT 2002

So this is what I see on test.php:
Horde Versions
*Horde: 2.1
PHP Version
*View phpinfo() screen
*PHP Version: 4.2.3
*PHP Major Version: 4.2
*PHP Minor Version: 3
*PHP Version Classification: release
*You are running a supported version of PHP.
PHP Module Capabilities
*FTP Support: Yes
*Gettext Support: Yes
*IMAP Support: Yes
*LDAP Support: Yes
*MCAL Support: No
*Mcrypt Support: No
*MySQL Support: Yes
*PostgreSQL Support: Yes
*XML Support: No
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
*short_open_tag enabled: Yes
*magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes
*file_uploads enabled: Yes
PHP Sessions
*Session counter: 1
*To unregister the session: click here
*PEAR - Yes
*Recent PEAR - Yes
*Mail::RFC822 - Yes
*Log - No
*Make sure you're using a recent version of PEAR which includes the Log class.
*DB - Yes

So I run:
#pear install Log
downloading http://pear.php.net/get/Log
... done: 9694 bytes

Then I check my php.ini path:
include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php/:/usr/lib/php/pear/"

Then I refresh the page and ...nothing, the same test.php. I repeat this
process a couple of times and now I need help.. Anybody?

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