[horde] Empty log file?
Eric Rostetter
Thu Oct 31 22:24:10 2002
Quoting "Carl, Brian" <bcarl@icrc-detroit.net>:
> I've got horde and chora installed, and having problems with chora -- but I
> think those are CVS related.
> However, my horde log file always stays empty (exists, but is 0 bytes), even
> though the interface is giving errors.
> Clues?
Set up php error logging in your php.ini file, and then check those errors.
Relevant settings are probably:
log_errors = On
error_log = syslog
display_errors = On
error_reporting = 7
Can't give any clues since you didn't say what errors you are seeing, or if
you've looked for errors in the html returned, etc.
> Thanks,
> /brc
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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