[horde] Problems getting started

Lars Hecking lhecking at nmrc.ie
Tue Nov 12 07:52:09 PST 2002

> >  I have no other php applications (yet), and there's nothing in the web
> >  server logs. Does this depend on whether or not my browser allows
> > cookies?
> In test.php, yes. In Horde not.
 Ah, that explains it - tried it with cookies allowed from this server,
 and it works now. Maybe a corresponding note should be added to INSTALL
 (unless it's already there in cvs :)

> > > Try replacing './config...' with HORDE_BASE . '/config...'
> > 
> >  Yep, that works! But I don't understand why this change wasn't necessary
> >  in my working horde/imp setup. Could this be a problem with php.ini? I
> > am
> >  using php.ini-dist from php 4.2.3 as-is.
> It's not clear why this happens on some systems. Seems to be a platform
> specific bug in PHP.

 Hhm. The server where it works w/o modification is also running Solaris/SPARC,
 but 8 instead of 9, and apache 1.3.27 instead of 2.0.43.

 Thanks for the help, much appreciated :-)

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