[horde] installing both stable & cvs versions

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 13 15:14:44 PST 2002

Zitat von Meyrick Chapman <meyrick at hedge-analytics.com>:

> I have a nicely configured & working stable version of horde located at
> htdocs/horde & would like to play around with the cvs version - espcially
> gollem. From a cursory look at the code it looks like the assumed
> directory
> structure is /horde for both versions.  I can reset the default directory
> structure in the configs files of each application (imp, turba,
> kronolith,
> gollem, etc) but is there a generic means of changing the root directory
> for
> a parallel installation?

Yes, in the Horde stanza of registry.php.


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