[horde] Extrernal Authentification.

Borja SIXTO borja.sixto at i6net.com
Tue Nov 19 04:30:10 PST 2002


I m developping a new module with a specific authentification.
When a read the Horde sources, if the $driver of the Auth is an array then it can support a authentification class in a external module...

        if (!empty($app)) {
            include_once $GLOBALS['registry']->getParam('fileroot', $app) . '/lib/Auth/' . $driver . '.php';
        } elseif (@file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Auth/' . $driver . '.php')) {

Please, how configure Horde (conf.php) to use a external auth class.
I have tryed a lot of configurations without sucess.

I have an external auth but i would like to use the administration Horde module to add/del users.



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