[horde] file size limit

palle jeppesen palle.jeppesen at mail.dk
Wed Nov 20 10:29:18 PST 2002

I have upload_max_filesize = 5M in /etc/php.ini
and it still 2Mblimit

>Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
>Look in the /etc/php.ini for upload_max_filesize = 2M and set it to what ever
>you need.

Quoting palle jeppesen <palle.jeppesen at mail.dk>:

> Hi
> a there a file size limit
> in php or Apache or PEAR or horde
> i can't download files from mails (IMP) or gollem over 2MB
> under is ok
> Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
> Palle Jeppesen

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