[horde] [Horde CVS]: edit.php errors

Derek J. Balling dredd at megacity.org
Wed Nov 27 12:10:23 PST 2002

On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 12:23  PM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Dale Bewley <dlbewley at ucdavis.edu>:
>> I have the following category related config
>> $conf['category']['driver'] = 'none';
>> $conf['category']['params'] = array();
> That'd do it. With no permanent categories, shares won't work. You 
> need to
> set up the SQL driver.

When I set up categories, I get:

[Wed Nov 27 15:03:43 2002] [error] PHP Warning:  Wrong datatype for 
first argument in call to array_key_exists in 
/usr/local/hordecvs/horde/lib/Share.php on line 110
[Wed Nov 27 15:03:43 2002] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined 
   getpermission() in /usr/local/hordecvs/horde/lib/Share.php on line 259

But shouldn't the original problem be caught by the app (e.g., if 
categories aren't enabled, then don't OFFER shared calendaring?)  .. 
check for the pre-req's before the crash? :-)


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