[horde] I've done something daft

Tony Earnshaw tonni@billy.demon.nl
Mon Dec 2 16:27:21 2002

Hi list,

I did this whacky thing.

Because the ed (eculp@encontacto.net) suggested it and because I
couldn't get the Auth::singleton thing to work for love nor money with
Horde 2.1, I downloaded the HEAD Horde module CVS head.

Dunno how it works, but while I'm normally throttled off at max. 3.1
Kb/s on an ftp 56 Kb/s for extended ftp downloads, this CVS stuff came
in at around 8 Kb/s. So my phone bill won't even be that much :-) 

So now I have to start all over again with HEAD. Don't mind, 'cos I'm
learning new PHP4 stuff all the time.

Question: Can I even hope for help with configuring Horde (not Turba,
not Imp at the moment) HEAD with MySQL? If I need it, that is, and if I
can't figure things out?

For the sake of order, there's absolutely nothing wrong with my Apache
1.3.27 nor PHP 4.2.3; it all works perfectly (test.php).




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:		tonni@billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl

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