[horde] language again

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Dec 5 15:34:23 2002

Quoting wurst@eminenz.ath.cx:

> ahh! didn't see that document yet! sorry. but i don't quite understand it. i
> mean, locale -a is putting out:
> C

Then the only locales you have installed on your system are "C" and "POSIX"
which are both English.

> so i don't seem to have my de locale installed. i did
> # ./translation.php make
> # make install
> both run without error. but locale -a is still showing the same.

The two are unrelated.

> i do have locales, i.e. /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/tar.mo exists

Strange.  Maybe SuSe is like Debian and you not only need to install but
also configure the locales?

> # gettext tar "Memory exhausted"
> Memory exhausted
> so its not translating anything. how can i install a new locale to my suse
> 8.1 system?

No idea, since I've never used SuSe.  Is it RPM based or what?

I'll see if I can find anything on the web about it...

> thanks

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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