[horde] Does gollem work in a horde 2.1 framework

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Mon Dec 9 08:45:27 PST 2002

man, 2002-12-09 kl. 10:36 skrev Maik Caro:

> I don't want to switch to the horde cvs.

I would do if I were you and take the swinge that comes with it.

Horde 2.5 and CVS (4.0) are 2 completely different beasts. However,
you'd have to be a dedicated Unix. Openldap and and PHP4 person to make
it work up to its potential. When you've done so, the CVS stuff will
leave you gasping, it's awesome.




Tony Earnshaw

When all's said and done ...
there's nothing left to say or do.

e-post:		tonni at billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl

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