[horde] Anyone know how ...LDAP Troubleshoot

Tony Earnshaw tonni at billy.demon.nl
Sun Dec 22 22:35:34 PST 2002

> I don't seem to be getting any response for the LDAP problem with
> turba.  Can anyone please tell me how to go about troubleshooting
> ldap connections from Linux to another server?   Turba
> only gives me blank pages when doing searches via LDAP.
> I need to know via a debug mode or something on how to
> troubleshoot this. I have tried turning DEBUG on in horde, but
> it doesn't print anything out for this.

I seem to recall a previous posting, but i can't find it.

Don't know what Linux you have or what LDAP, but if you have ldapsearch on your
machine, you can use that for troubleshooting. You could have a firewall active
on your machine stopping you, or suchlike, it's impossible to say.

1: 'man ldapsearch'

2: syntax something like: 'ldapsearch -x -H ldap://host.fqdn/ -b
'dc=myorg,dc=com' '(|(uid=*)(cn=*)(objectClass=*))'

The syntax will vary, depending on the host you're trying to search and where
you're looking in the directory tree - as well as who is allowed to do what on it..




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