[horde] configuring users in horde

s-beutel at gmx.de s-beutel at gmx.de
Tue Jan 7 13:24:30 PST 2003

Okay, sounds much clearer:

> When I try and login, I get the following error in the web browser
> (whether
> or not the login is correct):
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function: iswarning() in
> /home/robsiklos/www/horde/lib/Auth/sql.php on line 110

This is in the faq: 


(Sounds strange to me that this happens with the cvs version).

As you can read in the faq, you have to worry about versions a bit
(php/pear, horde) or to manipulate the code.

AFAIRC this was on this list some weeks ago, but unfortunately I have no
time to browse it yet. Maybe searching the archive might be helpful.
Furthermore, as with cvs, watch the latest cvs news.


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