[horde] Postgres sessions in Horde 2.1 w/ IMP 3.1 as auth mech

Derek Diget derek.diget at wmich.edu
Thu Jan 9 12:07:17 PST 2003

See below sig for version info.

Got (and in production/released) what I believe to be the current
production releases.  All is fine expect for two things.  (The second
will be addressed in a separate messages/thread.)

Based on some posts to one of the list last year, I have grabbed Jon
Parise's postgres session handler at
<http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/projects/pgsql_session_handler/>.  Placed
the file in horde/lib and made the server specific changes to the file
and created the DB table.  Added the following to httpd.conf in the
correct context:

	php_admin_value auto_prepend_file /opt/OIT/horde/lib/pgsql_session_handler.php
	php_admin_value session.save_handler user
	php_admin_value session.save_path php_sessions

https://SERVER/test.php?mode=phpinfo shows that user sessions are turned
on and we cat get a session stored at IMP login and Horde/other apps
work as expected.  All seems well to here.  (Note: We have commented out
the logout button in the top menu of each app since some have them and
others didn't. Therefore, the only logout button is in the bottom frame
menu.)  Horde is doc root for apache and IMP the the auth mech.

Our problem is that when you logout, the browser destroys the session,
but the login page does not reload.  We just get a blank page.  If we
hit "refresh/reload" we get the login page and a new empty session is

I have tried to trace the logout process with the two login pages (Horde
and IMP) as well as the redirect page and have not had much luck finding
where things are breaking.  Any suggestions on where to look or what to
do so we can fix the logout process and bring our second HTTPd server

I have seen the discussions on the Postgres session handler in the HEAD
branch, but don't know what I would have to do to back port this to
Horde 2.1/IMP 3.1.


Derek Diget
Western Michigan University - Kalamazoo  Michigan  USA - www.wmich.edu/
Office of Information Technology -  UNIX support  - www.wmich.edu/unix/

Solaris 8 for Apache servers (two, only one live while we fix the
session problem), Postgres server, and IMAP server. (3 different

Horde Versions
	Horde: 2.1
	IMP: 3.1
	Turba: 1.1
	Kronolith: 1.0
	Nag: 1.1
	Mnemo: 1.0

PHP Version: 4.2.3

PHP Module Capabilities
	FTP Support: Yes
	Gettext Support: Yes
	IMAP Support: Yes
	LDAP Support: Yes
	MCAL Support: Yes
	Mcrypt Support: Yes
	MySQL Support: No
	PostgreSQL Support: Yes
	XML Support: Yes

Miscellaneous PHP Settings
	short_open_tag enabled: Yes
	magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes
	file_uploads enabled: Yes
	PEAR - Yes
	Recent PEAR - Yes
	Mail::RFC822 - Yes
	Log - Yes
	DB - Yes

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