[horde] Re: Re: Re: Anyone tried IMP with Exchange 2000 IMAP?

s-beutel at gmx.de s-beutel at gmx.de
Thu Jan 9 12:49:12 PST 2003

> I configured my servers.php to use port 993 etc etc and used the
> imap/ssl/novalidate-cert, unfortunately sniffing the connection does not
> help:(( Its enrypted (SSL). Connecting to the Exchange 2000 with SSL
> disable
> (plain IMAP 143) works.

As I am not that familiar with this, it's only a guess: did you enable
php_openssl? Not sure, but I guess you will need it for this.

Work thru your php.ini and look here:


But however, it's a good idea to have a high log level even with php for
testing purposes: you should get an appropriate message.

Whilst going on thin ice: how about enabling php_mcrypt?

(If someone of the developers had the time to write which of these libs is
needed for ssl connection, I'd appreciate it; the php manual is quite silent
upon this topic - thnx)


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