[horde] passing authentication information

Daniel Wittenberg daniel-wittenberg at uiowa.edu
Fri Jan 10 22:15:23 PST 2003

I've been trying to track down some information I don't completely
understand.  THis is turba specific, but I figured the information comes
from horde so I thought I'd post.  I pasically want to have turba
authenticate to ldap as whomever is logged in, so I can control their
access via LDAP ACL's.  So, I put this in the turba sources.php:

'bind_dn' => 'cn='.Auth::getAuth().'ou=people,o=The Starken
'bind_password' => Auth::getCredential('password'),

I can connect via ldap and search with my ID from the commandline
(ldapsearch/add/etc), but from Turba I can't.  Is there something I've
missed?  I haven't quite understand how this works from what I've read
so far...help?


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