[horde] Re: RELENG, initial application selection

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Jan 17 03:26:10 PST 2003

Zitat von Richard Heggs <Richard.Heggs at nottinghamcity.gov.uk>:

> Hi Leena,
> From:     Leena Heino <Leena.Heino () uta ! fi>
> >It seems that Horde ignores initial application setting. Horde
> >summary is always shown after login.
> >
> >version: CVS RELENG updated today.
> Is there any chance this fix could be put into RELENG_2, please? :)

If anyone comes up with a fix that works in _every_ case.

That is: Horde vs. IMP authentication, authenticated vs. not authenticated
user, user accessing frameset vs. user acessing a page directly.

These are already eight possible combinations and I probably missed some
variations. Last time I tried to fix it I gave up after almost two hours,
though I must admit that I've been tired anyway. ;-)


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