[horde] IMP Login Problem : Couldn't open stream

EFETEPE MANAGER efetepe at efetepe.com
Tue Jan 21 08:35:32 PST 2003

Hi again,

I have a problem with IMP Login, When I try login the following error occur:

    server="localhost" user="the_user_name" mailbox="{localhost:143}INBOX"
    Warning: Couldn't open stream {localhost:143}INBOX in
/wwwroot/horde/imp/test.php on line 166
    Warning: imap_mailboxmsginfo(): supplied argument is not a valid imap
resource in /wwwroot/horde/imp/test.php on line 169
    INBOX has messages ( new recent)
    Warning: imap_close(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in
/wwwroot/horde/imp/test.php on line 171

I have change the test.php file and I have try connect without parameters
writing de corrects values in the imap connection function and all It was
useless. I need help to help it !!!

I can connect to IMAP server whit other methods, telnet IP_SERVER 143, with
other WebMail services with my server values and I have connect from remote
machine using OutLook Express with IMAP Account !!!!
I think that it's possible connect usgin OutLook Express I'll can connect
using IMP without problem, or not ?

Software and Server Information:

Horder 2.1
IMP 3.1
PHP 4.2.3 (I've tryed 4.1.1, 4.2.1 and 4.3.0)
Truba 1.1
IMAP 2001a-10 (and devel rpm)
OPENSSL-0.9.6b-28 (and devel rpm)

PHP Configuration command:
./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-mysql --with-apache=/usr/local/a
pache --enable-track-vars --with-imap  --with-kerberos --with-openssl --enab
le-ftp --with-imap-ssl --with-gettext --enable-mbstring --enable-mbstr-enc-t
rans --enable-mbregex

Apache Configuration Command:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-module=proxy --activate-modu

Thanks in advanced, Jordi.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Miller" <imiller at bsd.uchicago.edu>
To: "EFETEPE MANAGER" <efetepe at efetepe.com>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [imp] Can you Help me whit IMP Problem

Try and copy horde-2.1 to horde and run it from their

Quoting EFETEPE MANAGER <efetepe at efetepe.com>:

> Hello I'm Jordi from Tarragona - Catalunya - Spain
> I have a IMP problem when try connect to IMAP the server tell me:
> Couldn't open stream {localhost:143/imap}INBOX in
> /wwwroot/horde-2.1/imp/test.php on line 160
> Couldn't open stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX in
> /wwwroot/horde-2.1/imp/test.php on line 160
> I have test connection via localhost and IP. I have test diferents
> of PHP (php-4.1.1, php-4.2.1 and php-4.2.3)

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