[horde] IMP attachment problem.

David Barreña david at molina.subs.map.es
Tue Mar 4 17:42:16 PST 2003


I am using RedHat 7.3, with php4, Horde 2.1, Imp 3.1, Courier-Imap, 
postfix and Ldap.

I have got a problem when attaching a file greater than 500 Kb (aprox.). 
I am sure php4.ini is correctly configured in order to admit files of 
about 5 Mb. with a timeout of 60 secs. Imp tells me that the attachment 
is ok, but when I received that mail, its size is only 1 Kb. and there 
is not the attachment, but this only happens when the attachment is 
greater than 500 Kb.

If I send that mail using KMail, it is correctly sent, and when opening 
it with Imp, its size and the whole mail is correct.
Postfix is configured in order to send and receive mails of 5 Mb. size. 
Mailbox quota is set to 30 Mb.



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