[horde] horde buttonbar variance

Stefan Kronawithleitner stefan at kronawithleitner.at
Sat Mar 8 04:22:57 PST 2003

hey guys,

yesterday i upgraded to the actual nightly snapshot - wondering about the new
menu-frame when finished. i've read already some stuff on the mailing list about
it, but one point is still confusing - the buttonbar in the menu-frame and the
buttonbar in the main-frame (the bars with the options & help-button) is not the
same height. 
this is ok in IE5, because there is some space between the 2 bars - but on
mozilla the 2 bars are side by side - it really looks weird, when one is bigger
than the other.

is it already fixed and i have catched a bad snapshot or is it unknown? (?)



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