[horde] bottom navigation bar

Marco Pirovano marco.pirovano at uni-bocconi.it
Mon Mar 10 01:45:03 PST 2003

Hi all,

I've installed horde 2.2.1 and modified the registry.php
to add horde modules to the bottom navigation bar.

The navigation bar is showed in the home page, the question is:
is it possible to have the bottom navigation bar showed only afther
the login procedure, that is afther the user has entered its username and 
password ?

Thanks a lot.

* Marco Pirovano
* Universita' Bocconi - Area Sistemi Informatici e Telematici
* Piazza Sraffa, 15 20136 Milano
* Tel. +39-025836.3173  Fax. +39-025836.3160     

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