[horde] One more time... frame collapse test

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Tue Mar 11 15:08:49 PST 2003

Quoting Mark <mark_weinstock at yahoo.com>:

| OK, I feel very stupid. I didn't put in a URL for the page I'd like
| people to test. It's www.klomstock.com/horde/test/index.html
| Let me know if you can properly collpase and restore the frames, and
| what browser(s) you tried it with.
konqueror 3.0.4 works great 
mozilla 1.3b works great
phoenix 0.5 works great

Opera 6.0.3 does NOT work.  It ignores everything.

all four with FreeBSD Current 5.0

Safari on OSX 10.2.4 Works but the left column begins white with a blue back-
ground for the button and the right column is red.  After clicking on minimize
the right column is white with the button on a blue background and the left
column is red, where visible.



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