[horde] config files used from wrong horde directory

Hugo Bouckaert hugo at geoinformex.com
Tue Mar 11 19:22:54 PST 2003


I want to set up two different horde logins: one where the login and 
password verification is done with ssl, but when mailboxes come through, 
the transfer switches back to http, in order to improve speed.

I thought the easiest would be to set up two horde directories, so now I 

/var/www/html/horde (secure login, but after that mail is sent and 
received unsecured)


/var/www/html/horde-ssl  (all transactions over https).

The two directories only differ in the imp/config/conf.php file where in 
the top one, the login and logout pages are redirected to an initial 
login page which sets up switching back to http after password 
verification.  This is done is imp/config/conf.php.

The strange thing is that BOTH directories seem to be using the 
imp/config files from /var/www/html/horde/ Whatever I change in 
/var/www/html/horde/imp/config/conf.php is used by BOTH directories.

What I want of  course is that /var/www/html/horde-ssl uses the config 
files from /var/www/html/horde-ssl/imp/config and
/var/www/html/horde uses the config files from 

There must be a root directory setting which in both horde and horde-ssl 
is set to /var/www/html/horde. Once that is set, all config files are 
then presumably sourced from /var/www/html/horde. However, I cannot find 
such a "RootDir" setting in any of the config files.
Can anyone help with this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Dr Hugo Bouckaert
Systems and Programming Engineer 

GeoInformatics Exploration Australia P/L
57 Havelock St
West Perth, WA 6005
PO Box 1675, West Perth 6872

Ph:       61 08 9420 7400 
Fax:      61 08 9226 1299 


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