[horde] Horde and Firebird
Francesco Consumi
consumi at istitutodeglinnocenti.it
Tue Mar 25 06:36:29 PST 2003
Hi to all,
is there an updated guide in order to install Horde with Firebird ?
I've found the guide from Alexander Kauner, but it does'nt work with Horde 3.0.
if I set the field names uppercase in file lib/Prefs/sql.php, I get the error "
PREF_NAME not found " etc., if I left the fields lowercase, the preferences are
written into the database, but they aren't read, and no error is raisen......
can you help me ?
I'm trying Horde 3.0, IMP 4.0 and Turba 2.0.
The "regular" installation of Horde 2.2.1, IMP 3.2.1 and Turba 1.2 on my server
works perfectly with PostgreSQL 7.3.
TIA to all.
Francesco Consumi
Ufficio Sistemi informativi
Istituto degli Innocenti
P.zza SS.Annunziata, 12
50122 Firenze - Italy
consumi at istitutodeglinnocenti.it
055 2037320
ICQ# 12516133
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