AW: [horde] Attachment name

Udo Schubert news4dadirtyluk at
Tue Apr 8 07:44:21 PDT 2003

hey johan!

>Just a question outside the group
>What browser do you use ?

i'm using ie 5.0

>I have 4 "problems" with the IE5.5 (and IE6.0) browser now, but i never
hear something
>about this in the group

sorry i don't meant special ie threads...i only remember the phrase 'buggy
browser behaviour while downloading files'

maybe that helps...

>I guess I am not the only IE user
no, you're not ;)

>Is there a posting list for this kind of subjects
no i don't know about anything like that...sorry

the history of threads is maintained on the gmane gateway ->

>The things NOT working with IE5.5
>In IMP when trying to download an attachment, the filename is messed up
try to search the list again for that...

>In Horde the language selection is falling back to default every time (In
the preference
>Dutch is set, but the view is english every time)
if you are using cvs head look at docs/TRANSLATION on how to create a new
set of
translated messages,maybe this is needed as dutch may be kinda non-standard?

>When changing application / screen the background color is often not filled
in and the
>background is white then
are you using https? otherwise look at the logs for this problem,as nothing
occurs mostly if there a parse error(s) on the wanted page...

>In the portal page there is a gap in the layout (minor issue)

there is only silence in my head about that ;)

if you look through that and still wanna fix the problems don't hesitate to
ask,but i doubt that i can help you very much from here :(

good luck


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