[horde] sasl-driver for passwd

Oliver Kuhl okuhl at netcologne.de
Thu Apr 17 03:05:31 PDT 2003

Hi folks!

I created a sasl-driver for passwd an just want to post it here. I use it with
cyrus-imapd, which uses sasl authentication. Maybe anyone want's to use it...

*** but be aware ***: 
It's not really a secure implementation as I have to use suid and a perl
tained-mode workarround and I do not check the old password.

For me, it's ok because I only use it for myself.

Here are the files:
lib/Driver/sasl.php    - the sasl-driver
scripts/passwd_sasl    - the perlscript which calls saslpasswd2 to change the  
conf/backends.php.dist - sample configurations

You have to set the right rights of scripts/passwd_sasl:
# chown root:apache passwd_sasl
# chmod 750 passwd_sasl
# chmod u+s passwd_sasl
which should finally lead to:
-rwsr-x---    1 root     apache        264 Apr 17 10:33 passwd_sasl

Maybe you have to change the paths in passwd_sasl to fit your needs.


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