[horde] can not change language

Markus Krause krause at biochem.mpg.de
Wed Apr 23 03:48:02 PDT 2003

hi jens, 

glibc-locale is installed.
finally i solved the problem, in httpd.conf i added an alias for
"/horde/" and from that on all texts are translated!

but thanks for your help!


Am Die, 2003-04-22 um 21.52 schrieb Jens Gruentjes:
> hi markus,
> you have to install the glibc-locale package in order to have the correct 
> languages. you can test it on a suse system by starting YaST. if it comes up in 
> german you have installed the glibc-locale, if it starts in english you don't 
> have. i had the same problem on a suse install.
> -- 
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen
> Jens Gruentjes
> mailto:jens.gruentjes at ebira.de

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