[horde] Newbie question

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Apr 30 23:28:49 PDT 2003

Quoting Dan Wells <danwlxiv at netscape.net>:

> Can anyone offer some advice or direction to look if ?Horde? is not
> the project to use (I realize the ?Gollem? is in development).   I
> have downloaded the horde framework and several of the ?modules.?

Does it have everything you're looking for? No. But it does have some, and
if you're willing to help out with some development, you can probably get
other people interested in developing what you need that's not there
already. And I think it's a great base on top of which to develop things
like this, but I *am* biased. :)

> I have been working for about three days to get the basic framework with
> IMP up and working without success.  My test system is running RH 8.0,
> Apache 2, PHP 4.2.2 , IMAP 2001a-15, RedHat Database 2.1 (PostgreSQL
> 7.2.x).  Are there any "how-to's" for this configuration that would be
> easy to follow?

There are a few linked from the Resources tabs of the Horde website; it's
hard to point you in the right direction without more specific information.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
The alligators were there, too, in a bathtub inside the house.

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