[horde] Newbie question

Dan Wells danwlxiv at netscape.net
Wed Apr 30 14:46:30 PDT 2003

Thanks for getting back to me.  Well the first problem is "Am I barking up the wrong tree?"  Is horde a good solution for my problem? This is so I don't waste time trying to get something working that will not untimately solve my needs.

The second problem involves not being able to log in.  I am told that "Login fialed for some reason.  Most likely your username or password was entered incorrectly."  I checked obvious things like cap-lock but can't find anything there.  The user name I try and log in with is the same one used in the IMP test and it (the IMP test) seems to think things are peachy.

I'm missing something somewhere but I don't know where to look.

> What is the probably that you are having?
> Sid
>> I have been working for about three days to get the basic framework with >> IMP up and working without success.  My test system is running RH 8.0,   >>  Apache 2,PHP 4.2.2 , IMAP 2001a-15, RedHat Database 2.1 (PostgreSQL     >>  7.2.x).  Are there any "how-to's" for this configuration that would be  >>  easy to follow? 
>> Here is a copy of the "Test.php" results
>> Horde Versions
>>     * Horde: 2.2.3
>>     * IMP: 3.2.1 (run IMP tests)
>> PHP Version
>>     * View phpinfo() screen
>>     * PHP Version: 4.2.2
>>     * PHP Major Version: 4.2
>>     * PHP Minor Version: 2
>>     * PHP Version Classification: release
>> * You are running a supported version of PHP.
>> PHP Module Capabilities
>>     * DOM XML Support: Yes
>>     * FTP Support: Yes
>>     * Gettext Support: Yes
>>     * IMAP Support: Yes
>>     * LDAP Support: Yes
>>     * MCAL Support: No
>>     * Mcrypt Support: No
>>     * MySQL Support: Yes
>>     * PostgreSQL Support: Yes
>>     * XML Support: Yes
>> Miscellaneous PHP Settings
>>     * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
>>     * file_uploads enabled: Yes
>>     * safe_mode disabled: Yes
>>     * trans_sid disabled: Yes
>> PHP Sessions
>>     * Session counter: 1
>>     * To unregister the session: click here
>>     * PEAR - Yes
>>     * Recent PEAR - Yes
>>     * Mail - Yes
>>     * Log - Yes
>>     * DB - Yes
>>     * Net_Socket - Yes
>>     * Date - Yes
>>     * HTML_Common/HTML_Select - Yes
>> The IPM test results are
>> IMP Version
>>     * IMP: 3.2.1
>> PHP Version
>>     * View phpinfo() screen
>>     * PHP Version: 4.2.2
>>     * PHP Major Version: 4.2
>>     * PHP Minor Version: 2
>>     * PHP Version Classification: release
>> * You are running a supported version of PHP.
>> PHP IMAP Support Test
>> server="localhost" user="danw" mailbox="{localhost:143/imap/notls}INBOX"
>> INBOX has 4 messages (4 new 4 recent)

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