[horde] OpenBSD packages and PEAR

Johan de Vries johan.devries at bravilor.com
Thu May 15 22:31:10 PDT 2003

There was a mail in the group a little time ago about pear:

I just uploaded new packages to the FTP server that provide all PEAR
packages necessary for running all Horde modules (stable and development).

You might find these packages useful if you have problems installing or
upgrading PEAR or just don't want to run through the PEAR installation

You will find .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and .zip versions at

These are the changes to the last version (pear-1.0.1):


 - Archive_Tar 1.0
 - File 1.0.3
 - HTML_Common 1.1
 - Log 1.6.5
 - Net_SMTP 1.2.2
 - XML_Parser 1.0.1


 - HTTP_Request 1.1.1
 - Net_DNS 1.00b1
 - Net_URL 1.0.10


Maybe this is of some help
I will upgrade one machine from 3.2 to 3.3 this weekend
Then I know for sure


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: joe ranier [mailto:mlistdc at yahoo.com]
Verzonden: dinsdag 13 mei 2003 16:18
Aan: horde at lists.horde.org
Onderwerp: [horde] OpenBSD packages and PEAR

Hello all,

I've searched and searched and still done more
searching,   and in all this searching I've discovered
that a lot of people are running into this problem,
but no one has been able to solve it.  So I come to
the source.

I am running OpenBSD 3.3-stable.  I downloaded and
installed php from the OpenBSD packages.  I have PHP
configured correctly using the php.ini-reccomended
file as my php.ini.  I am running the newest versions
of Apache and PHP.

I am also trying to run the newest version of Horde
(for IMP and Kronlith).  Here is where I'm running
into problems.  

I am getting the following messages on the test.php

    * PEAR - No
    * Check your PHP include_path setting to make sure
it has the PEAR library directory.
    * Recent PEAR - No
    * Mail - No
    * Log - No
    * DB - No
    * Net_Socket - No
    * Date - No
    * HTML_Common/HTML_Select - No
    * Unknown error: Failed opening
'Mail/mimeDecode.php' for inclusion

I checked /usr/local/lib/php and it does in fact have
all the PEAR directories in there.  When I checked the
PEAR page, I see that you can run PEAR list to see
what PEAR modules you have installed.  When I do this,
I get a core dump.

Has anyone been able to get Horde working correctly on
OpenBSD?  I would appreciate any help.


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