[horde] Prefs in LDAP not working

Anders Bruun Olsen anders at bruun-olsen.net
Mon Jun 2 07:29:27 PDT 2003

On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 08:44:32AM -0500, David Pieper wrote:
> Do you have a line in your slapd.conf like this?
> loglevel 296
> What do your ACL's look like?
> You really need to get the LDAP logging working, you'll be able to spot 
> the problem quickly once you see what's going on.

Okay, I have now found and fixed the slapd logging problem (it turns out
there is a problem with the gentoo ebuild so that it does not enable
logging unless DEBUG=1 is set). It now logs fine!

It looks like horde tries to bind as
uid=abo at dsl.dk,ou=accounts,dc=dsl,dc=dk instead of
uid=abo,ou=accounts,dc=dsl,dc=dk. How can I tell horde not to append the
domain to the uid?

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