[horde] Fatal Error /w Horde 3

James Van Sickle gothbert at spamcop.net
Tue Jun 3 17:25:22 PDT 2003


   I am still trying to setup a second instance of Horde on my server.  I am 
trying to setup Horde 3 for development while Horde 2.2 functions on the 
default directory.  I have setup Horde 3 under directory "hordexp." I have 
changed the cookie path in the conf.php file, and updated the path info in 
registry.php.  When I go to the main Horde webpage to login, I am getting the 
below message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object 
in /usr/home2/hordexp/index.php on line 28

I am showing Line 28 of index.php to be:

$initial_app = $prefs->getValue('initial_application');

Now I have not setup any users or preferences with in the MySQL database 
currently being used for login and preference settings.  Could this be causing 
the problem, or is the variable 'initial_application' not setup someone in the 
PHP files?

I have also copied my 'horde' application entry from the registry.php file 
below in case it helps.

====  Registry.php file extract  ====
$this->applications['horde'] = array(
    'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
    'webroot' => '/hordexp',
    'initial_page' => 'login.php',
    'icon' => '/hordexp/graphics/horde.gif',
    'name' => _("Horde"),
    'allow_guests' => true,
    'status' => 'active',
    'templates' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates',
    'provides' => 'horde'

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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