[HORDE]: Problems with translation

Paolo Martin - Conecta S.r.l. pmartin at conecta.it
Mon Jun 9 03:27:18 PDT 2003

I've installed in my slackware-version 8.0:

Horde: 2.2.3 
IMP: 3.2.1 
Turba: 1.2 
Kronolith: 1.1 
Mnemo: 1.1 

All modules works fine but I've a problem on language selection, it doesn't change.
If I select Italiano or Deutsch or  Français or others languages it always remains english.

I've recompiled my *PHP Version: 4.2.1* with the latest version of gettext (gettext-0.12.1)
*Gettext Support: Yes* but it doesn't works anyway, have you got any ideas?

Many Thanks, 
Paolo Martin


Paolo Martin

Conecta Srl
via Nazionale, 42/I
33010 Tavagnacco (UD) - Italy

pmartin at conecta.it

Tel:    +39 432 548825
Fax:    +39 432 46246

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