[horde] Configuring MySQL module

rcooper at jamesconeyisland.com rcooper at jamesconeyisland.com
Mon Jun 30 23:13:46 PDT 2003

Quoting Brian Leader <brian at ideaslive.com>:

> I've got horde running in Linux.  I'm trying to set it up with mysql,
> but the php info page says that mysql is not enabled.  I don't see the
> mysql.so module in my modules directory.  How can I get the correct
>module for my version of php (4.1.2)?  Or how can I compile php with
>mysql built in?

This is off-topic but I'll answer it.

  ./configure --with-mysql=[dir]

Normally even that is not necessary if you already have mysql installed.
The configure script should auto-detect most things on your system.  Since
you wasn't specific as to which Linux distribution you are using, it is
difficult to be more specific than this. See:


Sounds like you will have to install mysql too.  Note you will need the
mysql client libs. PHP 4.1.2 is pretty old. Compiling PHP Apache with all
the right stuff is not hard, but  it can be if you don't know what you
are doing.


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