[horde] Re: Re: Quick Horde question if I might...

Bulba007 bulba007 at wp.pl
Sun Jul 20 18:20:22 PDT 2003

Uzytkownik "Eric Rostetter" <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> napisal w
wiadomosci news:1058746940.fe816bca13c3a at mail.ph.utexas.edu...
> Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:
> > You have to add the users, in what ever way you feel comfortable.
> > You can add a user named "admin" with password "admin" with the
> > sql:
> >
> > INSERT INTO horde_users (user_uid, user_pass) VALUES ('admin',
> > '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3');
> >

I used

# mysql -u horde -p
#password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

mysql>use horde;

mysql>INSERT INTO horde_users (user_uid, user_pass) VALUES ('admin',
md5('password plain text'));

mysql> select * from horde_users;
    | user_uid | user_pass                        |
    | admin    | 02c75fb2xxxxnc963c7eb91a062cc |


and in my WWW browser http://myhost/horde/

and see horde login screen, and wirte:

login: admin
password: password

and get login screen again, and again .......

my horde.log file:

Jul 21 03:07:24 HORDE [error] [horde] FAILED LOGIN for admin
[] to Horde [on line 43 of "/horde/login.php"]

Where are writting another errors ? and what's the problem.


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