[horde] new ionstallation - cannot login

info info at ray.co.za
Mon Jul 28 02:36:40 PDT 2003

> horde log file remains empty,
Could be a bug in Horde which makes it not log when using recent PEAR
versions.  Upgrade Horde, or find and apply the patch (a one character
change), or downgrade PEAR (not recommended) to fix it.
not concerned about the log file anymore - changed it to "syslog" 
and i am happy for now.
> $conf['mailer']['type'] = 'smtp';
> $conf['mailer']['params'] = array();
If you want to use smtp, you need to define params for it (host, 
port, etc)
either here or in imp/config/servers.php
fixed that...
> ## horde/config/registry.php
> $this->registry['auth']['login'] = 'imp';
> $this->registry['auth']['logout'] = 'imp';
Above you set your auth params to sql, but here you set them to IMP.
So this should override the above sql setup, and use IMP auth instead.
fixed that too...

Not sure which (sql or imap/pop3) you wanted to use for Horde.
> $servers['pop'] = array(
>     'name' => 'POP3 Server',
>     'server' => 'mail.raylink.co.za',
>     'protocol' => 'pop3',
>     'port' => 110,
>     'folders' => '',
>     'namespace' => '',
>     'maildomain' => 'raylink.co.za',
>     'realm' => 'raylink.co.za',
>     'preferred' => ''
> );
Since you didn't specify the smtp server here either, you won't be able
to send mail.
fixed that too...

ok. after much debugging and gnashing of teethe. i have found the 
* using 'sql' authentication with imp authentication did not work 
in my environment. the moment i removed the 'sql' auth i got to log 
into horde - but still not imp.

my environment includes redhat9 with qmail using the ./Maildir/ format. 

* for some unknown reason, the dir struct for ./Maildir/ was not 
set correctly by the qmail config. i manually intervened and found 
that the dir permissions were mixed up - user should hav been qmail 
and group should have been root. so when imp obviously wanted to 
access the dir with the right credentials there was nothing to access.

fixed this

VOILA! now i can log in, once only as well i.e. no dbl login between 
horde and imp. but another error now shows it's face. everything 
works!! yippeeee! but but....when opening imp i get the following 

A fatal error has occurred:

'' is not configured in the Horde Registry.

[line 753 of /home/mail2/horde/lib/Registry.php]

Details have been logged for the administrator.

i have scanned this error in the horde and the imp archives it has 
only appeared twice in the past year. and there were no responses 
to it. so i do not know where to find a solution.


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