Fwd: Re: [horde] Add Users, Groups are not working

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Jul 31 08:04:26 PDT 2003

Please keep convos on the list for the benefit of others and the archives.

----- Forwarded message from jorge at logical.net.mx -----
    Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 10:09:35 -0500
    From: Jorge Cuevas <jorge at logical.net.mx>
Reply-To: Jorge Cuevas <jorge at logical.net.mx>
 Subject: Re: [horde] Add Users, Groups are not working
      To: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>

Thanks for your reply Chuck,

I'm using mysql as backend, I didn't have the sql categories driver set
up, I did it and now I'm able to create groups, altough when I create
one it send a message of
'Clients' was not created: DB Error: no such table.

The group is created, but with that message. As for the users the page
still goes blank.

This is the log:

Jul 31 10:09:31 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by
Category_sql::addCategory(): INSERT INTO horde_categories (category_id,
group_uid, category_name, category_order, category_data, user_uid,
category_serialized, category_parents) VALUES (4, 'horde.groups',
'Client', NULL, '', 'caves', 0, '') [on line 301 of
Jul 31 10:09:31 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by
Category_sql::updateCategoryData(): UPDATE horde_categories SET
category_data = NULL WHERE category_id = 4 [on line 727 of
Jul 31 10:09:31 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by
Category_sql::updateCategoryData(): DELETE FROM
horde_category_attributes WHERE category_id = 4 [on line 738 of
Jul 31 10:09:31 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by
Category_sql::_load(): SELECT category_id, category_name,
category_parents, category_order FROM horde_categories WHERE group_uid =
'horde.groups' [on line 133 of "/var/www/html/horde/lib/Category/sql.php"]

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

>Quoting Jorge Cuevas <jorge at logical.net.mx>:
>>Everything seems ok, I can login with an Administrator privilege. But
>>when I want to add users form the Administrator Menu, the page is blank,
>What auth backend are you using?
>>and when I try to add a group, it works but it does not save the group
>>at all.
>Make sure you have a sql categories driver set up.
>Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
>They're just looking at a wall of meat.


----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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