[horde] Fwd: ask a question

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Aug 28 05:30:04 PDT 2003

----- Forwarded message from phil at aomeisoft.com -----
    Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 17:51:38 +0800
    From: phil <phil at aomeisoft.com>
Reply-To: phil <phil at aomeisoft.com>
 Subject: ask a question
      To: chuck at horde.org

Dear chuck:
    I have a trouble while using the horde project.why the sessionID is always
appended with the URL?I think my web browser support cookie,but it seems that
horde can not write the sessionID into my browser.Why?Could you give me an
answer?Thank u very much:)

Best Regards

----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
They're just looking at a wall of meat.

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