[horde] 2 things... (override horde registry on a per-user basis & imp html editor)

Tom Hodder tom at scriptsupport.co.uk
Wed Oct 8 07:44:35 PDT 2003

Hi all,

I have a couple of questions.

1) is it possible to override the active applications on a per user basis? ie
have most of the users see all the apps, and a few just to see the IMP and
Kronolith, and turba.

2) I have HEAD Horde and HEAD IMP, if you switch to the html editor, it behaves
unexpectedly. first of all switching to html editing mode causes the plain text
to be converted into html incorectly. Is there likely to be a more stable
version coming out soon, or should I create a fix myself?

3) Are the any tutorials, other than the ones listed on the horde.org site, for
creating applictions using the horde framework? or maybe class references that
are a little bit less dry than the horde framework API docs?



E:t.hodder at scriptsupport.co.uk
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