[horde] Horde CSS not working all of a sudden... any ideas??

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at bellavista.cz
Mon Nov 10 05:28:39 PST 2003

# neuhauser at bellavista.cz / 2003-11-07 12:32:09 +0100:
> # hobbs at mongeese.co.uk / 2003-11-07 10:52:26 +0000:
> > 
> >   http://fishsponge.co.uk/miscfiles/Horde_01.gif
> >   http://fishsponge.co.uk/miscfiles/Horde_02.gif
>     do you ever get the problem after refreshing the page?
>     we have such a problem here, seems like a bug certain versions
>     of IE6 and stylesheet files with extensions other than ".css".
>     just guessing ATM, but having 
>     RewriteRule   ^/fuckIE.css$  /css.php
>     in the apache config seems to have eliminated the problem.

    I have since seen the problem with the rule in place, so the
    extension is not what triggers it.

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