[horde] session problems -> logout

Niall Young niall at chime.net.au
Sun Nov 30 19:35:03 PST 2003


I'm having similar problems - sessions seem to die halfway through,
logging the user out.  Sometimes you can't login in the first place and
have to keep trying until you eventually succeed.  Using a MySQL
backend with session_timeout=0.  Doesn't seem to be any SQL or Apache
problems.  Most of the time it works fine, just fails intermittently,
but occasionally it fails constantly for a short period of time.  I'm
using imp to auth, pear 1.1 from source, php4, php4-imap and php4-mysql

    * Horde: 2.2.3
    * IMP: 3.2.1 (run IMP tests)
    * PHP Version: 4.1.2
    * PEAR - Yes

Niall Young                                    Chime Communications Pty Ltd
niall at chime.net.au                            Level 6, 263 Adelaide Terrace
Ph: (+61) 08 9213 1330 / 0408 192 797         Perth, Western Australia 6000

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