[horde] problem screen with pure javascript code

Josiane josiane at onda.com.br
Thu Dec 4 11:04:09 PST 2003

Hi, There!
	I need some help with a problem that I can't figure out. I'm running IMP version 4.0 Horde 2.24, Apache 2.047 and PHP 4.33 under a Linux Slackware x.x.
	After a successful login, sometimes I get a initial screen with pure javascript code. Otherwise, the same screen appears when I select the sub-option "Mail", under main option "Mail & News".
	It seems that browser can't understand the code. I made some changes on source code but nothing happened.
	Can someone point me a direction? 
	A screenshot can be found at http://php.bortoli.com.br/Horde.png



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