[horde] Bug in metar.php

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Thu Dec 11 06:09:21 PST 2003

Quoting Jason Lohrenz <jmlohren at glmmn.com>:

> Line 112 I get an error that the sprintf() function is expecting 4
> arguments and only getting 3.
> I'm not sure of the setup on this file, so I'm stumped as to what the
> problem with it is.
> Jason Lohrenz
> IT Director
> Pacific Medicaid Services

What location are you using (country and location name)?

Rick Emery

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the Earth
 with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there
 you will always long to return"
                                              -- Leonardo Da Vinci

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