[horde] problem with cookies in horde/templates/javascript/form_sections.js

Tom Hodder tom at scriptsupport.co.uk
Sun Dec 14 15:03:33 PST 2003

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Tom Hodder <tom at scriptsupport.co.uk>:
> > I've got a tabbed form using the Horde_Form and $form->setSection, which im
> > using to generate a series of tabbed forms. However when I tab through the
> > sections the current opensection is not closed, and this seems to be
> because
> > the _setCookie javascript function is not setting the open section to the
> > cookie correctly.
> What browser are you using? This is working fine for me.
> -chuck

internet explorer 6.0.2800.1106 on win2000 server.

ive got a live horde installation on the web and I can use the
horde/admin/perms/edit.php form with tabbed sections, and that works fine, so I
don;t think its the browser.

I've modified my temnplates/javascript/form_sections.js file to alert the value
it sets like so;

    this._setCookie = function(name, value)
        var curCookie = name + '=' + escape(value);
        curCookie = curCookie + ';DOMAIN=<?php echo
$GLOBALS['conf']['cookie']['domain']; ?>;PATH=<?php echo
$GLOBALS['conf']['cookie']['path']; ?>mainapp;';
        document.cookie = curCookie;
        alert('doccookie='+document.cookie+' curcookie='+ curCookie");

and curCookie has the correct value, but document.cookie is empty.


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