[horde] MySQL and Horde Prefs...

Michael J. Pelletier mjpelletier at mjpelletier.com
Sun Dec 14 15:34:20 PST 2003


When I set the preferences from "session" to "mysql" I get a white screen
with nothing in it. I have completly re-complied and re-installed MySQL
without better results. Here is my config:

Horde: HEAD
PHP: 4.3.4
MySQL: 4.0.16
Here is the snippet from horde/config/conf.php

 ** Horde Database Settings

// If Horde uses a database, which database backend are we using? If
// you are not using a database for anything, you can ignore this
// entire section.
// Backends:
//   'mssql'  --  Microsoft SQL Server
//   'mysql'  --  MySQL
//   'oci8'   --  Oracle 8
//   'odbc'   --  ODBC
//   'pgsql'  --  PostgreSQL
$conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysql';

// Request persistent connections?
$conf['sql']['persistent'] = false;

// What protocol will we use to connect to the database.  The default
// is tcp, but if you wish to use UNIX sockets, change it to 'unix'.
$conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'tcp';

// If you are using UNIX sockets, you may need to specify the socket's
// location.
$conf['sql']['socket'] = '/usr/local/Servers/MySQL/misc/mysql.socket';

// What port is the database server running on? Not required for all
// databases.
$conf['sql']['port'] = 3306;

// What hostname is the database server running on, or what is the
// name of the system DSN to use?
$conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';

// What username do we authenticate to the database server as?
$conf['sql']['username'] = 'horde';

// What password do we authenticate to the database server with?
$conf['sql']['password'] = '******';

// What database name/tablespace are we using?
$conf['sql']['database'] = 'horde';

// What charset does the database use internally?
$conf['sql']['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';

// What preferences driver should we use?
// Drivers:
//   'none'     --  None. (Use system defaults and don't save any user
//                  preferences)
//   'ldap'     --  LDAP
//   'session'  --  PHP Sessions. (Preferences only persist during the
//   'sql'      --  SQL Database
$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'mysql';

// The size of the preferences field in your backend in bytes. Horde will
// reject any write to the preferences backend if its length exceeds this
// value. Leave null to skip this checking.
// e.g. MySQL stores the preference data in a LONGTEXT field. This field
// can hold 4294967295 bytes so most likely checking is not needed. However
// other DB installations may only have a storage size of 64 KB (65535
// bytes). These installations would want to turn checking on.
$conf['prefs']['maxsize'] = null;

// Any parameters that the preferences driver needs. For the list of
// required parameters needed for each driver, see
// horde/lib/Prefs/[drivername].php.
// $conf['prefs']['params'] = array();

Any thoughts?


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