[horde] where's mimp at these days.

Tom Hodder tom at scriptsupport.co.uk
Mon Dec 22 12:20:34 PST 2003

Quoting Tom Hodder <tom at scriptsupport.co.uk>:

> Quoting Daniel Eckl <daniel.eckl at gmx.de>:
> > Strange... Perhaps you could explicitly activate log to file in your
> > php.ini...
> > Perhaps there is any error message...
> >

after much jiggery-pokery, ive managed to get horde logging to a file again;
and this is what the result is;
Dec 22 20:15:15 HORDE [info] [mimp] Session timeout for client []
[on line 74 of "/home/scriptsupport.co.uk/public/horde/mimp/login.php"]

this is after trying to login in to the same server as my imp install. and
this happens regardless of whether I use correct or incorrect login for the
mail server. basically it seems to be setting $reason=session somewhere.


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