[horde] accessing horde from anywhere but localhost

Mike Shilling mike.shilling at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 31 07:09:57 PST 2003

I am having a problem.  I have read the documentation over and over and over,
and im sure ive just missed a small step.  I can access horde without any
problems from home.  as soon as I try to access it from work or anywhere else,
I get the following error:

A Fatal error has occurred:

DB Error: Extension not found

[line 108 of /var/www/html/mail/horde/lib/prefs/sql.php]

I have read a lot about this error, and it seems like most say that php-mysql
needs to be installed.  I do have it installed.  How do I configure this to
work?  what did I miss?  im sure its something basic that I skipped. 



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