[horde] Progress with "You must configure a Category backend to use Horde." error

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Sun Jan 11 18:02:33 PST 2004

On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 18:25, Eric Rostetter wrote:
> Quoting Bo Daley <bo at tilda.com.au>:
> > one thing you can try when you're testing out whether your conf.php is
> > free of syntax errors is to do add something like this right at the end of
> > your conf.php file:
> >
> >    var_dump($conf); exit;
> >
> > if you get a NULL value then you most definitely have a problem with your
> > conf.php file and Horde will not be able to find any configuration values.
> > Or if you do see something other than NULL, make sure that it contains
> > some kind of configuration for categories.
> Another great way is to run php in lint mode (assuming you have a standalone
> php, which at least one of the people having this problem does.  Basically
> do a:
> php -l conf.php
> and see if it returns any errors to either the screen or the log file
> depening on how your php error logging is enabled.
> It often finds problems that I can't find with my eyes looking over the code.
thanks - evidently Chuck thinks that my skills as a php programmer are a
bit lacking


Sorry Chuck and thanks for all the help - I was trying.


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