[horde] CVS Instalation Problem

Johannes Koch mailing_lists at lockhead.net
Sat Jan 17 04:28:44 PST 2004

Hi all - once again same question but trying to describe more detailed
whats going on.
I've seen other ppl having this problem on the archives but without any
The problem is that my index file is blank, now showing anything.

Horde Applications I got from CVS:
Horde: 3.0-cvs
Imp: 4.0-cvs
Ingo: 1.0-cvs
Turba: 2.0-cvs

Horde Test file (http://horde2.lockhead.net/test.php):
PHP Version: 4.3.3
PHP Version Classification: release
You are running a supported version of PHP.

I am running Apache 1.3.
Horde should be accessable through http://horde2.lockhead.net/

No errors/warning being displayed in syslog, phplog, apache log nor Horde
log. access.log shows an access to the test.php and index.php.

Anyway, the index file is just a blank page.
As I know a bit got php I've tried to find out where the execution of the
script stops.
It seems to load in the /lib/base.php but then it stops somehow while
executing this file.
I haven't gone further into the code.

Is there any way to find out more precisly what's going wrong?
Bellow I've included the rest of the test.php file.

I'm glad about any help you can offer me,
Johannes Koch

----- Rest of test.php ----
Ctype Support: Yes
DOM XML Support: Yes
FTP Support: Yes
GD Support: Yes
Gettext Support: Yes
Iconv Support: Yes
IMAP Support: Yes
LDAP Support: Yes
Mbstring Support: Yes
MCAL Support: Yes
Mcrypt Support: Yes
MIME Magic Support: No
MySQL Support: Yes
OpenSSL Support: No
PostgreSQL Support: Yes
XML Support: Yes
Zlib Support: Yes
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
memory_limit disabled: No (Current value of memory_limit: 150M).
file_uploads enabled: Yes
safe_mode disabled: Yes
session.use_trans_sid disabled: No

Required Horde Configuration Files
config/conf.php: Yes
config/html.php: Yes
config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
config/nls.php: Yes
config/prefs.php: Yes
config/registry.php: Yes

Session counter counting.

PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):  .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear
Recent PEAR: Yes
Mail_RFC822: Yes
Mail_Mime: Yes
Log: Yes
DB: Yes
Net_Socket: Yes
Date: Yes
Auth_SASL: Yes
HTTP_Request: Yes
File: Yes
Net_SMTP: Yes
VFS: Yes
Services_Weather: Yes

Johannes "Lockhead" Koch

Johannes "Lockhead" Koch

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