[horde] Re: 2 questions - trean and ansel

Stefan Kronawithleitner stefan at kronawithleitner.at
Wed Jan 21 07:45:51 PST 2004

trean: updated today to the newest snapshot (horde, framework, trean) - adding
bookmarks works now. I think, the categorys should be displayed in the very
left column of trean (that's not the case), but adding categorys and bookmarks
works now, better than nothing ;)

ansel: Installed ImageMagick and upgraded to the newest snapshot - works now
(don't know, what took the bug out - ImageMagick or the new code - will try

Hope this will also help the others, and some guy of developing reading this
to point out if the category-thing is a mistake by me or a error from horde.

Stefan, happy with his new horde :)

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